Anagramas & Informações Sobre | Palavra Inglês ANTVIREO
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Exemplos de uso de ANTVIREO em uma frase
- The plain antvireo (Dysithamnus mentalis) is a passerine bird species in subfamily Thamnophilinae of family Thamnophilidae, the "typical antbirds".
- A study done in a 3000 ha reserve in Los Andes that conserves an extensive amount of endemic and small ranged bird species found 227 species in the region nine that pronounced threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature four of these are endemic species to Colombia: the Munchique Wood-wren, the Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer, the Yellow-eared Parrot, the Magdalena Tapaculo, the Bicoloured Antvireo, the Tanager Finch, the Ruddy Pigeon, the White-capped Tanager, and Red-bellied Grackle.
- The bicolored antvireo (Dysithamnus occidentalis) is a Near Threatened insectivorous bird in subfamily Thamnophilinae of family Thamnophilidae, the "typical antbirds".
- The plumbeous antvireo (Dysithamnus plumbeus) is a Vulnerable species of bird in subfamily Thamnophilinae of family Thamnophilidae, the "typical antbirds".
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