Sinônimos & Anagramas | Palavra Inglês GLEYSOL
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- Poorly drained areas are most common in the eastern part of town and have been mapped as muck, Peat or Vaudreuil series (a "half-bog" or gleysol), while the well to rapidly drained classic podzols are assigned to Ste.
- clays of floodplains with very high watertable with moderate to good natural fertility (Eutric Gleysol, Gleyic Cambisol).
- Põrgupõhja district and western part of the Vana-asula district are located on gleysol soil, while Uusasula, Keskus, the rest of Vana-asula, and the fields between Põrgupõhja and the rest of the town, are mostly located on mollic cambisol soils mixed with gleysol.
- clays of floodplains with very high watertable with moderate to good natural fertility (Eutric Gleysol, Gleyic Cambisol).
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