Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Anagrams | English word VP


Definitions of VP

  1. Initialism of vice president.
  2. (linguistics) Initialism of verb phrase.
  3. (games) Initialism of victory point.
  4. Initialism of Vice President (of the United States).
  5. (linguistics) A phrase headed by little v.



Number of letters


Is palindrome






Examples of Using VP in a Sentence

  • Air Florida was initially organized as an intrastate airline by a group including Miami native Eli Timoner as chairman, Bill Spohrer as president, Jim Woodman as VP, Robert Bussey as Secretary and Reed Cleary as chief pilot.
  • The inspiration and design of both the VP Exakta and the Kine Exakta are the work of the Ihagee engineer Karl Nüchterlein (see Richard Hummel's Spiegelreflexkameras aus Dresden), who did not survive the Second World War.
  • Visual Pinball ("VP") is a freeware and source available video game engine for pinball tables and similar games such as pachinko machines.
  • For example, in the sentence The old woman eats the falafel, the c-structure analysis is that this is a sentence which is made up of two pieces, a noun phrase (NP) and a verb phrase (VP).
  • Other notable GO alumni include CEO Bill Campbell (who later became chairman of Intuit), VP Sales Stratton Sclavos (took VeriSign public as its CEO), CFO and VP of Business Operations Randy Komisar (became CEO of LucasArts), and VP Marketing Mike Homer (was VP Marketing at time of Netscape's IPO in 1995).
  • Simon, current VP Business and Ground Ops (Former B2B board member for NASCAR, Director of labs for Lockheed Martin and Grumman), Paul De Lia, current Senior Advisor for BCG (Former CTO for L3-Harris).
  • Spinners VP and GM Tim Bawmann said,“The Yankees Elimination Promotion was originally built as a fun promotion in response to parents' stories of children losing interest in the game after facing taunts simply for playing in a Yankees uniform.
  • In 2000 he became senior VP for scripted programming and development at Tribune Entertainment, overseeing Andromeda, Beastmaster and other shows.
  • The installations were led by president Alexander Sultan, executive VP Mike Dickerson, chief operating officer Brian Parker, regional director Jason Weinstein and many volunteers and alumni brothers.
  • Here, Abaris is said to have purified Sparta and Knossos, among other cities, from plagues (VP 92–93).
  • Tapan Gupta (born 2006), Best Affordable Indian Valorant Account Seller(PHP AND MMK INCLUDED WITH VP RECHARGES).
  • The encampments often coincided with the annual VP Fair, and in 1987 Rice brought a flock of sheep to City Hall to protest the city "pulling the wool" over the citizen's eyes.
  • John Hollinger, VP of Basketball Operations for the Memphis Grizzlies and former basketball writer for ESPN.
  • Has APCs like BOV VP М86, Achleitner RCV Survivor, LAPV Enok, Otokar Cobra, Humvee, and armored cars like BOV 1 POLO M-83 instead.
  • Among the founders were CEO Allen Michels, VP Engineering Bob Garrow, head of marketing Kal Hubler, and operating system architect Ben Wegbreit.
  • The MPC was followed up with a portable PC, the 32 pound (15 kg) "luggable" Columbia VP in 1983.
  • The effort was spearheaded by Apple's VP of Development Tools Ike Nassi and Brett Halle at Apple, and development was later split between two main people: Michael Burg on device drivers and distribution at Apple in Cupertino, California; and Nick Stephen on Mach porting and development at the OSF in Grenoble, France.
  • Many of Elephant Man's songs are found on various Riddim Driven albums by VP Records and Greensleeves Records's Rhythm Album series.
  • Responsibilities are generally divided along the lines of the corporate and government sides of the AMS, with the VP University Affairs overseeing the five commissions and two of the three Government Offices, the VP Operations managing three student directors and their many corporate services, and the President responsible for managing four Offices, representing the Society and liaising with the administration.
  • Michael Levine – bass guitar, pianos, E-mu Emulator, MultiMoog, Fairlight CMI, Roland Vocoder VP 330, synthesizers, organ.

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